Thanks for Being a PHNA Member!
Thanks for Being a Member! Whether it feels like fall or not, the Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association held its Annual Fall Picnic...
The PHNA website, including the blog, is a communication platform that allows PHNA members and residents to be aware of current events in the neighborhood and gives prospective residents insights into our community. All current and potential residents should feel welcome, safe, and respected while interacting with the website and blog.
Blogs should be helpful, respectful, and courteous. Personal attacks, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive or derogatory content, and harassment or threats against anyone will not be tolerated. Foul, obscene or sexually explicit language, and other content that a reasonable person would find objectionable will not be permitted;
Use your own words and give credit where it is due (quotations, photos, etc.);
The blog is not a soapbox. Political campaigning and personal views on controversial or issues that are irrelevant to the community may cause friction and should be avoided;
Keep all content family-friendly and legal;
No advertisement, solicitation or promotion will be allowed;
Aim to post at least once a month;
Create PHNA blog and then provide link to blog in Nextdoor, if desired;
Turn off commenting feature and enable sharing;
Create blog categories and assign a category to each blog.
The PHNA Communications Committee or a PHNA Board member will a) coordinate topics and deadlines, b) review all blog posts prior to publication to ensure the post meets PHNA guidelines and policy. It is critical that this policy be consistent and enforced without regard to the author in order to avoid any allegations by specific individuals of “selective enforcement” of this policy, c) outline blog topics for a year and assign to PHNA bloggers with deadlines, d) change the schedule of blog postings to accommodate breaking or current news (news that had not been known when the blogs were planned in advance), allowing flexibility with the blog posts.​