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PHNA Annual Picnic
Sunday, October 22nd, 2023, 4-7pm

The PHNA annual fall picnic provides an opportunity for the Pemberton Heights neighborhood to get together in a family-friendly environment to have fun, meet each other, and catch up on what's been going on in the neighborhood. 


There will be PTerrys, Kona Ice, yard games, face painting and more! It is also a great opportunity to renew your PHNA membership! 


Who: PHNA Members

What: PHNA Annual Fall Picnic

When: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 from 4-7pm

Where: Hartford Triangle Park


We are accepting donations to help fund the picnic. All individuals, families and companies who donate will have the opportunity to include their name on the picnic banner, social media posts and marketing materials.


Donation Levels:


  • Picnic Partners $200-$500

  • Bouncing Buddies $100-$199

  • Food Friends $50-$99​​



If you would like to make an in-kind donation please reach out to



































Help Fund the Picnic!

(Credit/Debit Cards and Bank ACH)

Donate to the 2023 PHNA Picnic

To donate by check, please include your name and/or business, your Pemberton Heights street address if applicable, email and phone number on your check. This information is only used by PHNA to communicate to members/sponors. Also, put "PHNA Picnic Donation" in the check memo. 


Please mail to:

Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

P.O. Box 50388

Austin, Texas 78763-0388

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