2010 | The Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Area
The West Austin Neighborhood Group (WANG) is a non-profit organization of neighborhood residents with the shared goal of preserving the character of West Austin and protecting it from deterioration. WANG is concerned with community development, ecology, safety, and many other matters that indirectly and directly affect the quality and character of our neighborhood and the City of Austin.
The Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Area is bounded to the north by 35th Street and 38th Street, to the south by Town Lake (west of MoPac) and 24th Street (east of Mopac), to the east by Lamar Boulevard, and to the west by Lady Bird Lake. MoPac is the eastern boundary of the West Austin Neighborhood Group Planning Area (Tarrytown and Deep Eddy) and the western boundary of the Windsor Road Planning Area (Bryker Woods and Pemberton Heights). The neighborhood plan was adopted by City Council on September 23, 2010. Table T-1 in Appendix B shows proposed sidewalk and bike lane improvements. The Future Land Use Map for the Windsor Road Planning Area and West Austin Neighborhood Group Planning Area was adopted by City Council on September 23, 2010.
Pemberton Heights is primarily zoned R2C. See the Comparison Map here.
How can I provide feedback to ensure my voice is heard?
There are Many Ways for Feedback!
The most important ways to provide feedback for CodeNEXT 2.0 are to comment on the Code Book and Map! Also, for a more personal response email your District 9 and 10 Council Members Kathie Tovo and Alison Alter and copy the Mayor, other Council members and the Zoning and Platting Commission. Be sure to include your name, street, address and contact numbers. Everyone needs to know how you feel about this important issue!
Steve Adler (Mayor) 512-978-2100
Alison Alter (District 10 rep) 512-978-2110
Kathie Tovo (District 9 rep) 512-978-2109
Ellen Troxclair (District 8 rep) 512-978-2108
Leslie Pool (District 7 rep) 512-978-2107
Jimmy Flannigan (District 6 rep) 512-978-2106
Ann Kitchen (District 5 rep) 512-978-2105
Greg Casar (District 4 rep) 512-978-2104
Sabino Renteria (District 3 rep) 512-978-2103
Delia Garza (District 2 rep) 512-978-2102
Ora Houston (District 1 rep) 512-978-2101
Be sure to contact Zoning and Planning Commission Staff -- they are shaping CodeNEXT:
Greg Guernsey (Zoning and Planning Department) 512-974-2387
Jorge Rousselin (Zoning and Planning Department) 512-974-2975
Jerry Rusthoven (Zoning and Planning Department) 512-974-3207